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Octofrost's IQF freezer

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z³: zl1.00

The future is sweet! With IQF technology, frozen fruit is the reality for most households worldwide. Easy to use in meals, as a delicious snack regardless of the season, and perfect for storing and taking out as much as you need to. Join the other side of the product line, and take advantage of the revolutionary modern technology!
It's only through innovation that Octofrost's IQF freezer can put out as many frozen products, in such a short amount of time, while delivering nothing but the best hygiene standards across the industry. The incredibly efficient, delicate, and speedy processing of IQF raspberries creates premium fruit frozen products at a low cost to you.
Worried about handling? Don't be! Blueberries, known for their fragile exterior, can be safely loaded, and then the production line will handle the rest. Manufacturing IQF blueberries will be simpler than ever &#8211; thanks to the delicate handling of the machinery. The freezing method involves transporting cool air between porous bedplates, improving hygiene and the integrity of the frozen berries at the same time.
Our team of experts has been working on perfecting this equipment line for years. Highly optimized, and ready for practice shortly after installation, it's the ideal step forward for starting a long-standing business. Contact and find out if it's the right choice for you. »

Og³oszenie dodane: Piatek, 01 Pazdziernik, 2021  16:25

Identyfikator: 707550

Wy¶wietleñ: 11336

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Podobne og³oszenia

  1. IQF technology
  2. IQF frozen vegetables
  3. IQF processing line for berries